Overcoming Family Challenges: Fun Run and Our Neurodiverse Family
Participating in a fun run as a family is always an adventure, but when you have three children with various needs, that adventure can become a challenge. For my family just getting out of the house together requires extra effort: there are always some squabbles, the difficulty of keeping everyone motivated and regulated, and the constant need to manage anxiety driven behaviour. But, this year things were a little bit different.
The Challenge: Family Fun Run with Unique Obstacles
When we decided to sign up for running festival, I did feel apprehensive. Keeping three children regulated and motivated for a busy and loud event can be a challenge. My wife, the athlete of the family, was excited to complete the full marathon. I on the other hand, barely have time to walk around the block these days (or ride with my new bicycle). I was also having to motivate MYSELF.
Preparations and Expectations: A New Family Journey
In the days leading up to the run, our home was filled with anticipation. The children, each with their own quirks, were in various stages of "I'm not doing it". I was mentally preparing for potential meltdowns and misunderstandings and a quick exit strategy if needed. And let’s be honest, if there’s one thing a mother quickly learns, it’s to expect the unexpected!
The Big Day: An Unforgettable Family Run
Finally the day of the run arrived. One of the kids ended up going to a birthday party with his support worker and that actually made things so much easier - one hand for each kid to hold. My eldest decided to sprint ahead - surprising everyone including herself. My other little gazelle, with some encouragement, walked and ran with me, slowing down here and there. But something amazing happened, the crowd would call out my daughter's name and each time that happened - she RAN!
We both committed to running the last length, part the cheering crowd, up onto the home stretch and across the finish line. Both kids were SO proud to collect their medal and show Nanna and Pa who also competed in the longer event - fit as fiddles!
Reflection: Challenges and Triumphs in Family Activities
This run was more than just a race; it was a victory for our family. We overcame our own challenges, and in the end, we learned that with support, patience, and a good dose of persistence, we can do hard things. Building my fitness up and showing the kids that even though I'm not the world's greatest runner - being together and having a try was the most important thing.
How do you go about challenges and activities with your family? Share your experiences in the comments – let’s keep this conversation going and inspire other families to step out together, it's not always perfect (last years event was quite different) but start small and you might just be surprised.
Marathon: https://sunshinecoastmarathon.com.au/
